Sustainability is a top priority for many organizations, and sustainable packaging and freight protection allow you to make an impact on your green initiatives. With the right packaging and freight protection provider on your side, you can count on strategic solutions that offer strength and stability without compromising sustainability. You can also enjoy custom solutions that offer enhanced protection and performance for your products. Read on to learn more about eco-friendly dunnage options and how you can count on Sunrise for sustainable, superior solutions. 

What is Eco-Friendly Dunnage and Packaging?

Eco-friendly dunnage and packaging are produced using kraft paper and corrugated materials as opposed to less sustainable options, like plastic. Kraft Paper and corrugated materials are recyclable, allowing your dunnage and packaging to be broken down at the end of their service life, and recycled and made into other useful products. 

In addition to their sustainability benefits, these materials offer strong protection to your products. When you choose corrugated materials you can enjoy enhanced durability and strength, sometimes allowing these items to be used multiple times without degrading. Other options, like pneumatic air bags, also offer another recyclable solution, letting you maximize its impact before you discard it. Both of these choices let you enjoy sustainable solutions without sacrificing quality.

Eco-friendly dunnage allows you to reduce, reuse, and recycle, and when you choose tailored options from the right partner, you can count on the ultimate protection. 

Explore Our Eco-Friendly Dunnage and Packaging Options

At Sunrise, we offer a variety of eco-friendly dunnage and packaging choices that can be tailored to your product and needs, including: 

    • Traditional Void Filler: This choice is composed of corrugated materials and allows you to fill empty spaces within your shipping container to better secure your products through transit. It can be customized to your specifications and its sturdy nature combines with its recyclability to provide a more sustainable option for filling voids.
    • Collapsible Void Filler: This selection is similar to traditional void filler but it can collapse for storage purposes. This means you can enjoy space-saving benefits for shipping and storing that offer sustainable benefits too — you can maximize the amount of void filler per order from your load securement manufacturer and because these products are lightweight, the energy to ship them is reduced.
  • Die Cut Corrugated Packaging: Corrugated packaging produced with a die is efficient to manufacture and can be customized to match your exact needs in styles like trays, boxes, and displays. You can also leverage multi-use products to get a 2-for-1 benefit that is more sustainable than alternatives.
  • Pneumatic Air Bags: Some air bags are recyclable, which allows you to still receive the absorption and securement benefits of air bags while making more sustainable decisions. 
  • Small Cell Honeycomb: This powerful packaging solution has a unique shape that allows for superior flexibility and strength, protecting your products in a more sustainable way.

Not sure which products are right for your needs? At Sunrise, we have a large selection of eco-friendly dunnage and packaging, and our team is here to help you find the perfect match for your products.

Contact Sunrise for Strategic Sustainable Solutions Today

When you’re ready to improve your product protection with eco-friendly dunnage and packaging, we’re here to help. Sunrise is committed to sustainability across the products we create and our processes. We source materials from sustainable providers recognized by industry standards, ensuring our corrugated products are produced with high-quality and eco-friendly materials. We also recycle and design our processes to be efficient and accurate, eliminating excess waste. 

We’re proud to offer products that showcase sustainability benefits without risking lower durability or customization. Our one-stop-shop philosophy ensures you can find the best dunnage and packaging products for your needs, and we serve many industries, including agriculture, food and beverage, textiles, and more. Whether you require void filler, custom die cut packaging, or a combination of supplies, we’re here to deliver. 

We have five locations across the United States, each dedicated to achieving the best results for our customers. When you partner with our team, you can count on industry experts to provide a total load securement and packaging system tailored to your unique needs. Get in touch with our team today to get started and enjoy eco-friendly dunnage and more.