Keeping your product safe through shipping requires expert dunnage and packaging solutions designed with your unique needs in mind. Whether you require void filler, air bags, corrugated packaging, or a combination of options to keep your products safe, you can leverage an expert team to develop the right system for you to keep your products safe from start to finish. Manufacturing product protection and load securement solutions demands the knowledge of what you need and the capabilities to provide it, and with the right partner you can achieve better results that meet your needs and budget.

With so many load securement manufacturers to choose from, finding your best match may feel challenging. It is important to know what makes the difference between good and great product protection. Choosing the right partner for your dunnage and packaging protection solutions requires evaluating key factors like their facilities, capabilities, and how they approach designing a custom solution that meets your needs.

Learn more about the top three factors to consider and why Sunrise is best positioned to support you.

3 Factors That Stand Out When Manufacturing Product Protection  Load Securement & Load Securement Solutions


Dunnage and packaging manufacturers require a wide range of advanced equipment. From panel lines and die-cutting machines to specialized laminating equipment, manufacturers who have a diverse range of equipment can serve all of your freight protection needs. This ensures you turn to a one-stop-shop solution for your load securement plan, rather than requiring multiple manufacturers to complete your system. The proximity of your partner’s facility can make a difference in the speed and cost-effectiveness with which you receive your solutions. If they’re not nearby or if they lack a dedicated shipping plan with the capabilities to get you your packaging and load securement supplies on time, you may struggle to satisfy demand and keep up with your orders.

At Sunrise, we’re proud to have five advanced facilities strategically positioned across the United States. Our locations offer strategic advantages, like our Rancho Cordova, California facility’s corrugated die cutting specialization. With our team, you can always count on reliable and advanced equipment pushing forward on your project and a team dedicated to getting the finished products to you even faster with strategic shipping. 


The capabilities of your chosen product protection manufacturer play a key role in their ability to serve all of your load securement needs. Proper load securement requires a strategic and comprehensive approach to mitigate excess movement of your products, keep them properly secured and protected, and be tailored to your shipping modality. When manufacturing product protection solutions, the partners who consider every aspect — from the die cut packaging that fits around your product to the air bags and void filler panels that keep it in place — will achieve better results for your business.

At Sunrise, we strive to deliver start-to-finish support and our extensive capabilities make us a one-stop shop for custom load securement and packaging solutions. We take a turnkey approach to proper freight protection, working hard to ensure you have every solution you need to achieve the ultimate protection and performance. Choose our dunnage, air bags, and other load securement solutions for safer shipping that protects your products and bottom line.


When you find a partner with the right location and capabilities, the final factor that can elevate your experience is the approach they take to address your needs and deliver more value. Do they go beyond the competition to establish the challenges you’re facing and develop a tailored load securement plan that fits your modality, product type, and needs? When you choose a dunnage manufacturer that takes a truly tailored approach, you can count on better results and service. 

At Sunrise, our approach is driven by the knowledge your products have unique needs based on your industry and shipping modality. We take these factors into account when designing a custom solution specific to your requirements. Our solutions are also guided by our industry partnerships with the Association of American Railroads, DOT, and other regulatory bodies. This means you can count on our solutions to adhere to the necessary requirements and safety standards to better protect your products and team.

Choose Sunrise for Manufacturing Product Protection Systems

At Sunrise, we’re committed to producing excellent dunnage and packaging so our customers achieve safer shipping. Our one-stop-shop design allows you to utilize trusted void filler, air bags, and other solutions to protect your products, and we develop custom load securement plans to tailor your system to your precise needs. Our solutions are also driven by sustainability, empowering you with eco-conscious solutions that uphold the quality standards you demand. 

With five advanced locations serving businesses across the United States, we’re equipped to handle our project needs and deliver faster, better results. Our solutions serve a range of industries, from agriculture to textile to forestry and paper mill products, and many others. No matter your industry or challenges, we’re here to help.

When you’re seeking a partner for manufacturing product protection systems tailored to your needs, turn to our team. Contact us today for superior load securement and product protection solutions.